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 PTR (serveur test) 2.4.3

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 216
Age : 33
Localisation : Toulouse
Date d'inscription : 14/08/2007

Feuille de personnage
Classes: Druide
Race: Vache

PTR (serveur test) 2.4.3 Empty
MessageSujet: PTR (serveur test) 2.4.3   PTR (serveur test) 2.4.3 EmptyJeu 19 Juin - 7:39

Des petits truc sympa, notamment des gemmes type gemmes points d'honneur achetable avec des pts arènes:
PTR (serveur test) 2.4.3 Gemare10

Un Kodo pour la prochaine fête de la biere (beark des ally sur un Kodo)
PTR (serveur test) 2.4.3 Brewfe10

Le Patch:


* Dispel effects will no longer attempt to remove effects that have 100% dispel resistance.
* Parry Rating, Defense Rating, and Block Rating: Low-level players will now convert these ratings into their corresponding defensive stats at the same rate as level 34 players.
* Haris Pilton has launched a new line of bags and jewelry. Check her out in the World’s End Tavern!
* Mounts at 30?! Yes, it’s true: Apprentice Riding and mounts are now available at level 30. Training costs 35 gold.
* Blood Elf flightmasters outside of Silvermoon City and Tranquillien have traded in their bats for glorious fire-breathing dragonhawks.
* Alcohol cooldowns have been rolled into Drinks: All 10-second cooldowns have been removed and replaced with the 1-second Drink cooldown.
* Numerous flying non-combat pets have had their flight height modified to no longer skim along the ground: captured firefly, dragonhawk hatchlings, moths, owls, parrots, phoenix hatchling, spirit of summer, sprite darter, and tiny sporebat.
* Nether Ray Fry (a non-combat pet) is now available from the Skyguard Quartermaster. This requires an Exalted reputation with Sha’tari Skyguard.
* Equipping an item will now cancel any spell cast currently in progress.
* Placing an item in your bank will now cancel any spell cast currently in progress if the spell was cast by that item.
* You can no longer move backwards to stop racing rams.
* When a stun wears off, the creature that was stunned will prefer the last target with the highest threat, versus the current target.


* Barkskin: The cost of this spell is now reduced by Tree of Life Form.


* Growl: Pets will no longer generate additional threat from this ability based on attack power buffs cast on them. Attack power buffs on their master will still indirectly increase the threat generated by the pet’s Growl.
* Pet Aggro: Pets will no longer generate threat immediately from being summoned.
* Scare Beast: This spell will now be limited correctly to one target.


* Greater Blessing of Light Rank 1: This spell will no longer overwrite Greater Blessing of Light Rank 2.
* Summon Warhorse is now available at level 30.


* Mind Vision: This effect will now be cancelled immediately on targets who use an Invisibility Potion or Gnomish Cloaking Device.
* Spiritual Healing: Ranks 2-5 of this talent will no longer prevent refreshing Prayer of Mending.


* Cheat Death: This talent has been rebalanced significantly. Killing blows are no longer 100% absorbed. If the Rogue is below 10% health, the killing blow is still completely absorbed; if the Rogue is over 10% health, enough damage will be absorbed to reduce the Rogue’s health down to 10%. For the following 3 seconds, damage is not always reduced by 90%; it is now reduced by a maximum of 90%, depending on how much resilience the Rogue has. The damage reduction will be four times the damage reduction resilience causes against critical strikes.


* Earth Elemental: This pet will now leash back to its totem when pulled beyond 50 yards away.
* Lightning Overload: This talent will no longer do excessive damage when used with Lightning Bolt Ranks 2-10.


* Curse of Shadows: This spell has been removed.
* Curse of Elements: This spell now applies to Arcane and Shadow damage, as well as Frost and Fire.
* Demonic Sacrifice: This ability will now interact correctly with the Spirit Guide resurrection system in battlegrounds. A sacrificed pet will not be resummoned on death, and will not prevent keeping a record of the most recently created pet.
* Health Funnel: This ability will now cancel channeling when the target pet is Banished.
* Ritual of Summoning: The mana cost of this spell will now be properly deducted when cast.
* Summon Felsteed is now available at level 30.


* Revenge: Ranks 1-5 of this ability now have damage ranges instead of fixed damage values (like ranks 6-8.)

Les points assez important > La monture Level 30 Et un petit changement pour ma sous classe préférée, trompe la mort qui absorbera maintenant 100% des dégats si ça proc quand le rogue est en dessous de 10%. C'est vraiment cheater comme ça au moins ça met tout le monde d'accord :p

Mais bon, comme pour le fear instant hunt, ce n'est que le ptr, ça peu changer.

J'vous ai dis que je flooderai !

Edit: C'est annoncé par blizzard et les serveurs test seront bientôt online
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Nombre de messages : 625
Age : 43
Localisation : Evry
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2006

Feuille de personnage
Classes: Voleur
Race: Mort-Vivant
Rôle: Tueur de pet de chasseur

PTR (serveur test) 2.4.3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PTR (serveur test) 2.4.3   PTR (serveur test) 2.4.3 EmptyJeu 19 Juin - 10:05

Merci pour les invites Grand fou
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PTR (serveur test) 2.4.3
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