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 Nouvelle Extension WOW

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Nombre de messages : 625
Age : 43
Localisation : Evry
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2006

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Nouvelle Extension WOW Empty
MessageSujet: Nouvelle Extension WOW   Nouvelle Extension WOW EmptyMer 1 Aoû - 18:53

Ca y est ca commence à s'officialiser, meme si ca n'est encore qu'au Stade de Grosse Rumeurs, la prochaine Extension de wow portera le nom de:
World Of Warcraft : Wrath of the Lich King (en francais : La fureur du Roi Liche)
En d'autre Termes Arthas et Compagnies ^^
Alors comme le laissai sous entendre la carte qui etais caché dans les donnée de la MAJ 2.2 C'est bien Northrend, le pays des glaces où se cache Arthas et sa bande.

Maintenant j'etais réster assez séptique quand à tous les fake qu'on peu trouver sur les différents forum qui pârle du jeu. Mais un detail reste assez troublant... une adresse adresse Url...
Essayer ce lien http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wrath/ Hop une page vide avec ecri vous n'avez pas la permission d'y aller (Sans doute en création)
Clikez maintenant sur ce lien http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/NakedGnomes Hop une page qui vous dis que ce lien n'existe pas.

VOici un poste tres interressant venant d'un site Allemand à prendre avec tous le recul possible.

lien http://www.worldofraids.com/

We asked to WoWszene.de the permission to post the translation (thanks MyM|Leniya) of the german part of their article ; there it is:

WoW-Szene.de presents you the most important contents about the new addon by Blizzard- World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. Last night you could see those informations shortly on an underpage of the officially EU-WoW Website and got confirmed to WoW-Szene.de by other sources, among others the official FAQ to WotLK.

What to expect from the Expansion :

*It is going to Northrend! With level 80 and new abilities! If some Objects are achieved, you can create a new Character. The Death Knight. He starts straight in High Level Area.
*In PVP there will be finally be the long-ago announced siege weapons available and there will be destroyable buildings, plus a new battleground
*The Deathknight will be a kind of Damage Dealer and at the same time a Tank with so far non existant new abilities. He will be playable by Alliance and Horde, but it will be just certain Races who will have the possibility to create a Death Knight. He is the first Hero class and other will probably come in the following Expansions.

More summaries of the of the FAQs:

* New possibilities of designing your Character.
* You will fight against the Lich King Arthas!
* Leveling from 70 to 80 will take as much time as leveling from 60 to 70.
* Howling Fjord will be the first area you will arrive to. Afterwards there will be areas following like Grizzly Hills and Dragonblight.
* The first Dungeon will be Utgarde Keep. You will be able to enter it at level 70 and it will be a 5-man Instance. 25er Dungeons will still be existant, just as well as Heroic Instances.
* New Profession: Inscription – Enduring amplification of spells and abilities.
* There will be a Cinematic Intro.
* Northrend will be about as big as Outlands.

Other contents like screenshots could sadly not be saved since the page went offline straight.
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