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 Information Serpentshrine -- BOSS

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Class lead

Nombre de messages : 503
Age : 41
Localisation : Saclay (91)
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2007

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Classes: Mage
Race: Undead
Rôle: Gros bourrin

Information Serpentshrine -- BOSS Empty
MessageSujet: Information Serpentshrine -- BOSS   Information Serpentshrine -- BOSS EmptyMer 6 Juin - 12:11

6 bosses:
Hydross the Unstable <Duke of Currents>
The Lurker Below
Leotheras the Blind
Fathom-Lord Karathress
Morogrim Tidewalker
Lady Vashj <Coilfang Matron>

Hydross the Unstable <Duke of Currents>

Hydross will enrage if not killed within 10 minutes, wiping your raid in a matter of seconds.

Water form
Purify Elemental: He casts this when he enters the water beams, making it a player-determined occurrence. It will make him enter a purified state in which he is immune to frost and will hit for frost damage. When casting this, he will also spawn four Pure Spawn of Hydross. These are also immune to frost and also hit for frost damage.

Mark of Hydross: Stacks up to 6 times, increasing frost damage received by 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 percent.

Water Tomb: Casts on a single target every 7 seconds. Stuns you for 4 seconds and deals 4500 frost damage over 5 seconds (which means that anyone getting this with a 100% debuff needs to be healed before the DoT ends). It also affects all players within 8 yards of the original target, but it will not chain from secondary targets.

Poison form
Once he leaves the water beams, making it a player-determined occurrence, he will no longer be in a purified form. He will become immune to nature and will hit for nature damage. When this happens, he will also spawn 4 Tainted Spawn of Hydross. These are also immune to nature and also hit for nature damage.

Mark of Corruption: Stacks up to 6 times, increasing nature damage received by 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 percent.
Vile Sludge: Casts every 15 seconds. Deals 500 damage each 3 seconds and reduce healing and damage done by 50%. Lasts 24 seconds.


Have your Main Tank pull Hydross by going to the right (against the pillar) and charge/intercept him. His aggro range is quite big so be careful or he will change to poison form at the beginning of the fight and you will lose a lot of time killing the first four adds.

Once your MT is in place at the center of the platform, try to spread your raid. Don't hesitate to go behind Hydross, you won't have many line of sight problems in this fight. You now have one minute to DPS him, this is a very important part of the fight because it's the only moment where you can DPS him without having to handle adds. After about 1 minute, you will reach the 100% damage increase from the Mark of Hydross, this is the time to move him to the edge of the platform to change him into his poison form. Make sure he doesn't have too many DoT's on him at this moment, Hydross resets his aggro but not his debuffs, which means that a warlock who has put too many dots on him will get aggro and die.

When Hydross changes to his poison form, he will spawn 4 Tainted Spawn of Hydross, which you can crowd control. Kill these adds as fast as possible, you only have one minute before you've got to change Hydross' vulnerability again which gives you only not more than a few seconds to DPS him once all the adds are dead. Make sure you don't banish too many of them or you will have to wait before you can kill them.

After one more minute, it will be time to switch him back to Pure form, by letting the MT run to the center of the platform. Don't forget to stop DoTs again. Now 4 Pure Spawn of Hydross will spawn, these are water elementals, which means you can't use frost trap/frost nova to CC them, but banish still works. Off tanks with some frost resist gear are really useful here if you don't have enough warlocks. Repeat until he's dead.

General Tips
It is advisable to use two MTs, one with high nature resistance and one with high frost resistance. Druid off tanks with a mixture of frost and nature resistance gear and high stamina can help with the adds.
Spread out as much as possible to avoid the Water Tomb.
When Hydross is around 15%, it is recommended to use all forms of CC on the spawns and do as much damage as possible on Hydross. Best moment to use those high damage, long cooldown moves.

une pétite vidéo :


The Lurker Below


Whirl :
The Lurker whirls every 15-25 seconds , causing a knockback for a short distance and dealing 2000-5000 dmg (depends on Armor).

Geyser :
The Lurker is targeting a random Player (not the MT) and shoot a bubble of Water at him, dealing 3500 frost damage and knocking him back for ~10 yards.

Spout :
Water Beam, if you get it, you'll get knocked back in the water and its hitting for 3.5k x3. Like C'thun Red Beam, turns 360°. It is possible to blink through it (Ice Block, Divine Shield works too). It is possible to avoid it by diving underwater. It's not getting hit by the beam that kills you, its the fact that you get launched so far away from Lurker that the swim back will kill you (whether the water is "boiling" or the fish get to you).

It will start at the Main Target of him and then turns counter-clockwise or clockwise.

Submerge : The Lurker Below will occasionally dive under water, removing all debuffs and summons adds. It will emerge in one minute even if adds are up.

Before starting, you can clear all the adds on the platforms around the Lurker's pool (seen as a "Strange Pool" just past Hydross) these consist of about 6 groups of 9 mobs; 5 Hydra (2 priests which should be sheeped, 2 melee, 1 Main melee) and 4 Lost One Technicians (easy kill). If you clear these mobs, the fish in the water all die, and instead you only suffer a 500 dmg/tick Scalding Water debuff. This is much preferable to the huge damage that the fish do. The fish will return when the first mobs on the platforms surrounding the Lurker begin to respawn (now about 2 hours).

Have one tank stand in the inner ring with his back to the pillar. Have the melee stand in a circle around the pool, evenly spread out. Have the healers stand at the back end of the inner ring so they can step backwards into the water. Ranged can stand on the outer platforms to increase DPS (since they won't have to move).

The Lurker has 3 main abilities: Whirl, Spout, and Submerge:

+ Whirl: Occurs about once every 20-30 seconds, does damage to a random selection of people on the inner ring. Not all people will get hit, so it is wise to spread out. It does about 4k damage and throws you fairly far into the water (hence the fish problem).

+ Spout: About once every 45 seconds to one minute, he does a spout ability (que "The Lurker takes a deep breath"). It goes in circle rather slowly (about 90 degrees per 5 seconds) and does huge damage to all caught in it (it starts at the main tank). All players on the inner ring should jump in water to avoid this killer spout. Once it passes you, you are free to jump back on platform (A sideways strafe jump makes getting onto the platform easiest).

+ Submerge: About every 2 minutes the Lurker will submerge and adds will spawn; two mobs per outer platform (ranged), and 3 mobs in the center (melee). They can be CCed. Take them down as quick as possible, as Lurker will un-submerge after one minute. The ranged mobs hit very weak in melee but do a nasty multi-shot, so make sure that you have a healer and tank on each platform. Also have mages to keep adds sheeped until they can be dealt with. Rinse and repeat.

Leotheras the Blind

Si je comprends bien il est avec des add, donc il faut kill les add avant ou pendant ?

Whirlwind - Leotheras will spin around the room in a fashion similar to the Sartura encounter in Ahn'Qiraj dealing damage to any player hit by the whirlwind. Also, the whirlwind has an additional debuff that ticks for 2500 damage and can be mitigated by armor. After the whirlwind there is an Aggro Reset.

Insidious Whisper - Random debuff put on 3-5 players, summon a fiend from the player, and only that player can damage that fiend. You need to kill it in 25 secs with 10k damage, or the player becomes mind controlled for 10 minutes.

Chaos Blast - Chaos Blast comes in Leotheras' demon phase. Chaos Blast is a single target nuke that does between 3500-4000 fire damage as well as exploding around the target for more damage.

Adds :
Fathom-Lord Karathress 1,700,000 HP

Cataclysm Bolt
Every 10 seconds Karathress will cast a Shadow Bolt that will damage one single target for 50% of their total HP. This ability looks like five Shadow Bolts spinning in the air, but always coming down on a single target. The bolt can be completely resisted, but not partially.

After 10 minutes Fathom-Lord Karathress will enrage.

Melee Strength
At the beginning of the fight one healer is sufficient to heal the boss' tank, but once Karathress gains the buff "The Beast Within" his damage will increase enormously. He then hits the Main Tank for about 6,000 damage.

Fathom-Guard Sharkkis (Hunter) 855,000 HP
Causes approximately 2000-3000 damage on three players.
Viper Sting
This works much like the hunter ability. It drains about 3000 mana and can not be dispelled.
Summon Pet
Sharkkis summons a pet that is either an elemental or a beast.

The Beast Within
Sharkkis turns red and increases damage by 30%. His pet also goes into a rage, causing 50% additional damage for 18 sec.
Melee Strength
Sharkkis deals moderate damage to the tank. It should be no problem for 1-2 healers. If his add is tanked the healers might have more problems. The pet deals at least as much damage as he does, so pay attention to your tank's HP!

Fathom-Guard Tidalvess (Shaman) 840,000 HP

Shaman Abilities
Tidalvess has nearly all the damage spells that a player shaman has, including Windfury, which is very nasty for the tank, and a Frost Shock that hits for about 6,000.

Shaman Totems
He summons several totems:
Spitfire Totem - Summons a Searing Totem with 25000 health for 1 min that repeatedly attacks an enemy for 2550 to 3450 Fire damage.
Poison Cleansing Totem - Summons a Poison Cleansing Totem with 4000 health that attempts to remove 1 poison effect every 5 seconds.
Earthbind Totem - Summons an Earthbind Totem that lasts 45 sec. and periodically reduces the movement speed of nearby enemies to 50% of normal.

Fathom-Guard Caribdis (Priest) 885,000 HP

Water Bolt Volley
This is a 45 yard area of effect spell which deals 2700-3250 damage.
A single target heal that does not depend on line of sight or range. It can be cast on any of the mobs, inluding Karathress and Caribdis himself. It heals for approximately 20-30% of the target's total HP. It can and should be interrupted by the tank, and also any melee DPS on Caribdis at the time. Ranged classes with interrupts should save them for Heals cast after Tidal Surge (see below).

Tidal Surge
Caribdis stuns all players within a 10 yard range every 15-20 seconds. They will be frozen in an ice block for 3 seconds but they still receive damage and don't lose aggro during that time. This ice block is problematic, because melee are unable to interrupt Caribdis' Heal spell during this time. To counter this, a shaman needs to stand outside the 10 yard range of this ability, and be ready to cast Earth Shock on Carabdis should he attempt to cast Heal after a Tidal Surge.

The Whirlwind
A whirlwind is generated which moves around the fight area. It has considerable range and can easily interfere with groups on the other mobs. It pushes the players up in the air for about 3-6 seconds and gives a debuff that reduces casting time. It looks like the arena whirlwind but does not deal any damage.

Morogrim Tidewalker


3-5k melee damage (8k+ crushing)
90° frontal frost attack, ~4k damage + AP reduce 15-20 sec debuff.
Watery Grave

Teleport 3-4 players under the waterfalls. ~6000 damage after 6 seconds, and some falling damage. ~ 30 sec cooldown.

3000-4000 damage. 45-60 sec cooldown.

Summon Murlocs
After each earthquake, Morogrim Tidewalker summons 12-14 murlocs. They have low HP and hit for ~800(unblocked) and ~200(blocked) on tank. Around 1400 on cloth.

Summon Watery Globules
At 25% Morogrim Tidewalker stops casting Watery Grave but begins summoning Watery Grobules. He summons 4, one from each grave spot, they move slowly towards a fixed player and explodes for 4-6.000 damage on impact.

Et finalement Lady Vashj

Basic melee - Normal 3,000, 4,000-6,000 crushing on decently geared plate.
Shoot - A ranged ability that hits for 4,000-5,500 damage. Used in phases 1 and 3.
Multi-Shot - A ranged ability that hits a target and 4 surrounding people for 6,500-7,500 damage. Used in phases 1 and 3.
Entangle - A root ability used on targets in a 15 yard radius that immobilizes the target for 10 seconds and does 500 damage every 2 seconds. Used in phases 1 and 3.
Static Charge - A debuff that does 2,775 to 3,225 Nature damage to the target and anyone in a 5 yard radius every 1 second for 30 seconds. Used in phases 1 and 3.
Forked Lightning - Random bolts of lightning that hit for 2,300-2,600 nature damage in a frontal cone. Used quite often in phase 2.

Phase 1
Tanks and spank phase until 70%. The Main Tank either needs to use a combination of Free Action Potions and Blessing of Freedom from paladins, or you need off-tanks at range grabbing Lady Vashj when the Main Tank gets rooted.
Static charge: Does heavy damage to one player over time. Spread out to avoid the damage chaining.

Phase 2
1 minute into phase 2, the first Tainted Elemental (a.k.a Poison Elemental) will spawn, the next will spawn 1 min after the previous one's death. They despawn after a given time if not killed.
Elite Naga will spawn every 50 seconds.
Coilfang Striders will spawn about every minute.

Phase 3
Lady Vashj will attempt to mind control multiple raid members simultaneously. There is a chance that she can do this to two tanks at once, so have at least three tanks.
As of the coming patch 2.1.0 Lady Vashj can no longer use the ability "Persuasion".
Paladins should keep Blessing of Freedom on tanks, or tanks should use free action potions. Enchant Boots - Surefooted also helps slightly.
Lady Vashj will enrage after four minutes.
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Information Serpentshrine -- BOSS Empty
MessageSujet: seluba   Information Serpentshrine -- BOSS EmptyMar 12 Juin - 23:26

J'ai tout compris enfin je crois
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